Changing over and adjusting handy, fast and easy on inline capper machines model Trucap by Acasi Machinery

In the packaging business, specifically about bottle inline process (filling, capping, bottle handling), it is important that the machines be designed under fast, tool less, handy and easy concepts in order to get more profibility of invesment.

Talking about capping process, Acasi Machinery has developed an inline capper machine, model trucap. This machine can be a simple tightener machine, or of course, you can get a complete automation system add a cap chute and a cap feeder, depending on the size of cap and bottle geometry.

In a world where time is money, it is necessary to have a machine with tool less, easy, handy and fast changing over and adjusting concept, depending on whether you need to replace wear parts or need to adjust to a disk or belt parameters with the machine running. That's why Trucap capper machine by Acasi Machinery has a Value Added.

We are going to talk first, about replace process on parts susceptable to wear. At this point, it is important that you are able to change a spare part in a minimun time and minimum simple hand adjusments in order to reduce a machine stop time. Please take a look at the pictures on the bottom where I pretend to show a sequence of steps to uninstall a disk assembly:

After many hours of operation, the orange disk on a spindle capping systems are susceptible to wear. Therefore, eventually you will need to replace these orange disks. Just removing a pin, you can uninstall a complete capping disk or spindle assembly. 

On the other hand, it is very common that you will need to change the physical values set on your capper machine depending on certain cap geometry or even depending on different bottles diameters. If you need to switch to different cap or bottle, could be a high undesired wasted of time, if you do not have the right machine. Please take a look at a short video clicking this link.


Trucap capper machine has an easy and handy solution, by using front knobs with position indicator for easy setup, to adjust the height and width of the gripper belts which keep the bottles in the right and stable position for capper process. Besides, the front doors have convenient holes, in order to avoid opening doors, and to adjust the width of the capping disks or spindles, with the purpose to get the right set for your cap.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
