Chuck Cappers - Capping Machines


Chuck capping machines are often preferred when customers are looking for a capping system that will minimize cross-threading and provide better controlled and higher capping torque.

One of the reasons our chuck cappers perform very well is that instead of the bottle picking up the cap before capping (This is where most of the cross-threading problems start) the cap is picked up by an arm, placed onto the cap chuck and then the capping chuck comes down vertically placing the cap directly on top. Another important aspect of these types of capping machines is the chuck design, we offer magnetic capping chucks as well as servo driven systems.

It’s important to understand that all chuck cappers are not the same, some companies offer chuck cappers where the bottle picks up the cap and then a pneumatic or electric chuck comes down and torques the cap, these systems are an inexpensive option for chuck capping and they can work well on certain bottles and caps but it’s not the most reliable capping equipment you will find. 


Acasi Chuck Capper Machines

Acasi Machinery manufacturers different chuck cappers for several different bottling applications. This machine is needed or desired because of the accuracy and capabilities that far exceed the ones from an inline capper.

The chuck cappers are normally used when:

- Capping large diameter caps to prevent cross-threading (click here for more detail on 

- Capping where the containers can't pick-up the cap from the cap delivery.

- ROPP capping - Strict torque requirements

- PET capping

- Better torque control is needed or desired.

-Chuck cappers: We offer chuck cappers because not every application can be handled with an inline bottle capper. Chuck cappers should be used with large diameter caps 70 - 120 mm or caps that don't pick up well (Like laundry detergent caps). Click here for more information.
ROPP capper: We offer an ROPP capper, single head that can handle a wide range of cap sizes and configurations.

We offer different bottle cappers and different cap feeders depending you application:

Vertical wheel - pin style: This cap sorter is a very effective and inexpensive way of feeding caps. It's mechanical and requires minimal adjustments with the right tooling.

Centrifugal feeder 32 in: This cap sorter can handle a wide range of size and diameter caps. It's usually purchased with a cap hopper that feeds caps into it.

Waterfall cap feeder: This cap sorter is exclusive for flat caps, although it occupies more space than most systems it is preferred by some customers because it can be fed at very low heights.

Vibratory feeder: This cap feeder is used for hard to handle caps or special request by customers.

Cap elevators: We offer cap elevators that feed the cap sorters with bulk caps, this elevators contain large hoppers at low heights for ease of use.


One of the limitations that most chuck capper machines have is that they require changeparts for each bottle size as well as additional parts for chutes and capping chuck jaws.

So if you need a capping machine to run only a few bottles and caps and want a reliable system these type of capping system will work great if you have the budget (These machines tend to be a lot more expensive than inline capping machines) On the other hand you will find that if you need to reliably cap at speeds of more than 150 bottles per minute or if you have a difficult and or odd shape cap and/or bottle a chuck capper will be the best solution.

A good Single head chuck capping systems will run up to 50 bottles per minute but it will slow down for big caps or difficult to handle bottles. For higher speeds you will need a multihead capping machine, a good rule of thumb to calculate how many capping heads you need is 2,000 bottles per hour per capping head, so if you want to run 12,000 bottles per hour = 200 bottles per minute you will need at least a 6 head rotary chuck capper.